Sunday Seminar | Barak Richman, Stateless Commerce Sun, 12/06/202214:00-16:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
אירוע עם הוצאת ספרה החדש של פרופ' אילוז Sun, 12/06/202217:00-19:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Workshop in honor of Prof. Noam Nisan's 60th Birthday Sun, 26/06/2022 to Thu, 30/06/2022Location: Edmond J. Safra Campus (Givat Ram).
ערב לציון עשור לזכרו של פרופ' גרי בורנשטיין Tue, 07/06/202217:00-19:30Location: מחלקת המדיה בספריית הר הצופים
Sunday Seminar | Jeffrey Mensch, Monopoly, Product Quality, and Flexibility Learning Sun, 15/05/202214:00-15:30
Sunday Seminar | Yuval Heller, Mentors and Recombinators: Multi-Dimensional Social Learning Sun, 01/05/202214:00-15:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Sunday Seminar | Noam Nissan, Auctions Between Regret-Minimizing Agents, Speaker: Noam Nissan Sun, 03/04/202214:00-16:00Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Sunday Seminar | Daniel Fershtman, Learning in the Marriage Market: The Economics of Dating Sun, 27/03/202214:00-16:15Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Sunday Seminar | Victor Lavy, Gifted children programs’ short and long-term impact: Higher education, earnings, and the knowledge-economy Sun, 13/03/202214:00-15:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
Sunday Seminar | Ron Siegel, Pennsylvania State University, Equilibrium Existence in Independent Private-Value First Price Auctions Sun, 09/01/202216:00-17:30Location:
Sunday Seminar | Momi Dahan: סדר עדיפויות בצריכה בעת מצוקה כלכלית Sun, 02/01/202214:00-15:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
מסיבת הפרישה של חנה שמש - נדחתה עקב הקורונה Tue, 04/01/202219:00-21:30Location: מלון דן, ירושלים - רח' לח"י 32
Edna Ullmann-Margalit Memorial Lecture | Speaker: Tomer Ullman, Psychology Dept., Harvard University Thu, 30/12/202117:00-18:30Location: 130 hall, Feldman building 1st floor.
Sunday Seminar | Joseph Zeira - The Israeli Economy: A Story of Success and Costs Sun, 26/12/202114:00-15:30Location: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Edmond Safra Campus
The 31st Annual Rationality Retreat Sun, 27/02/2022 08:00 to Tue, 01/03/2022 17:00Location: Beit She'an