Game Theory for High School Students

Starting in the 2013–2014 academic year, the Center began offering a course in game theory to tenth-, eleventh-, and twelfth-grade mathematics-oriented students from several high schools in and around Jerusalem. The course meets once a week for three hours between the beginning of the academic year and Passover.


The course is an introduction to game theory. It covers some of the fundamental topics and groundbreaking results in game theory, such as the matching problem, the Shapley value, Arrow’s theorem, strategic games, Nash equilibrium, and more.


More broadly, the course is an introduction to mathematics and science. Students learn how to approach real-world problems from a mathematical perspective, gain experience designing theory-informed solutions, and get a glimpse into the world of research.


Every few weeks the students meet one of the researchers of the Center who tells them how game theory is applied in her/his research domain.


Our experience from past years, and the feedback from participants, shows that the course is a unique, mind-opening experience for high school students.

It is the only academic course offered at the Hebrew University that is solely intended for high school students and carefully designed to fit their background and captivate their imagination.


In stimulating high school students to engage with game theory, the course is also a contribution to the Center and to the Hebrew University. We are planting the seeds of our future students.


The course is organized by Center members Dr. Ein-Ya Gura and Prof. Michael Schapira.


For more details and regestration, click here.