"In Conversation" Series | Cass R. Sunstein | Goods That People Buy But Wish Did Not Exist Sun, 02/03/202520:00Location: ZoomAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
EconCS Seminar | Jeffrey Mensch | Revealed Preference Tests for Bayesian Persuasion Sun, 26/01/202510:30
EconCS Seminar | Reshef Meir | A Market-Inspired Bidding Scheme for Peer Review Paper Assignment Sun, 19/01/202510:30
"In Conversation" Series | A Symposium on Understanding in Cognitive Neuroscience Sun, 02/02/202514:00
EconCS Seminar | Zohar Barak | MAC (Mostly Approximately Correct) Advice For Facility Location Mechanism Design Sun, 05/01/202510:30
EconCS Seminar | Amir Ban | Unending Sequential Auctions, with Applications to Bitcoin Sun, 22/12/202410:30
EconCS Seminar | Noam Manaker Morag | On Truthful Mechanisms without Pareto-efficiency: Characterizations and Fairness Sun, 15/12/202410:30
"In Conversation" Series | Alon Zaslaver: "Small brains, big decisions" | Preston Werner: "Considerative Justice and the Patterning of Moral Force" Sun, 08/12/202414:00
EconCS Seminar | Ariel Shaulker | Multi-Parameter Mechanisms for Consumer Surplus Maximization Sun, 08/12/202410:30
"In Conversation" Series | Eva Jablonka | Picturing the Mind: A Synergy between Art and Science in the Study of Consciousness Sun, 01/12/202414:00