Infinite Sequential Games with Perfect but Incomplete Information


Levy, Itai Arieli, and Yehuda (John). “Infinite Sequential Games With Perfect But Incomplete Information”. Discussion Papers 2009. Web.


Infinite sequential games, in which Nature chooses a Borel winning set and reveals it to one of the players, do not necessarily have a value if Nature has 3 or more choices. The value does exist if Nature has 2 choices. The value also does not necessarily exist if Nature chooses from 2 Borel payoff functions. Similarly, if Player 1 chooses the Borel winning set and does not reveal his selection to Player 2, then the game does not necessarily have a value if there are 3 or more choices; it does have a value if there are only 2 choices. If Player 1 chooses from 2 Borel payoff functions and does not reveal his choice, the game need not have a value either.
