Maya Bar-Hillel, R. `i Z. . (2011). We Sing the Praise of Good Displays: How Gamblers Bet in Casino Roulette. Discussion Papers. presented at the 8, Bar-Hillel, M., & Zultan, R. I. (2012). We Sing the Praise of Good Displays: How Gamblers Bet in Casino Roulette. CHANCE, 25(2), 27-30. Retrieved from /files/ Roulette-585.pdf
Gambling frequencies on single numbers in real casino roulette were displayed in a contour map. This resulted not only in a confirmation that gamblers are subject to middle bias, but also to accessibility effects. The figure allowed us to infer the location of the roulette wheel and croupier from the gambling data, as well as infer bounds on the dimensions of the roulette table.