A Stable Marriage Requires Communication


Yannai A. Gonczarowski, N. N. . (2014). A Stable Marriage Requires Communication. Discussion Papers. presented at the 6. Retrieved from /files/dp667.pdf


The Gale-Shapely algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem is known to take Theta(n^2) steps to find a stable marriage in the worst case, but only Theta(n log n) steps in the average case (with n women and n men). In 1976, Knuth asked whether the worst-case running time can be improved in a model of computation that does not require sequential access to the whole input. A partial negative answer was given by Ng and Hirschberg, who showed that Theta(n^2) queries are required in a model that allows certain natural random-access queries to the participants' preferences. Using a reduction to the communication complexity of the disjointness problem, we prove a significantly more general - albeit slightly weaker - result, showing that Omega(n^2) Boolean queries of any type are required. Our lower bound generalizes to (A) randomized algorithms, (B) even just verifying the stability of a proposed marriage, (C) even allowing arbitrary separate preprocessing of the women's preferences and of the men's preferences, and (D) several variants of the basic problem, such as whether a given pair is married in every/some stable marriage.
