Condorcet Jury Theorem: The Dependent Case


Zamir, B. P., & Shmuel, . (2008). Condorcet Jury Theorem: The Dependent Case. Discussion Papers. presented at the 3. Retrieved from /files/dp477.pdf


{We provide an extension of the Condorcet Theorem. Our model includes both the Nitzan-Paroush framework of unequal competencies  and Ladha s model of correlated voting by the jurors . We assume that the jurors behave informatively , that is, they do not make a strategic use of their information in voting. Formally, we consider a sequence of binary random variables X = (X1,X2, ...,Xn, ...) with range in 0,1 and a joint probability distribution P. The pair (X,P) is said to satisfy the Condorcet Jury Theorem (CJT) if limn†’ˆ\v zP(ˆ‘Xi>n/2)=1. For a general (dependent) distribution P we provide necessary as well as sufficient conditions for the CJT. Let pi = E(Xi)
