An Axiomatization of the Walras Correspondence in Infinite Dimensional Spaces


Peleg, M. M., & Bezalel, . (1997). An Axiomatization of the Walras Correspondence in Infinite Dimensional Spaces. Discussion Papers. presented at the 2, International Economic Review 38 (1997), 853-864. Also In: The Legacy of Leon Walras, Vol. 2, Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economics, Vol 7, D. A. Walker (ed.), Elgar Reference Collection (2001), 618-629. Retrieved from /files/dp131.pdf


This paper presents a generalization of the results of van den Nouweland, Peleg and Tijs on the axiomatization of the Walras correspondence to generalized (pure exchange) economies where the commodity space is the positive cone in an ordered locally convex topological vector space. Our main result characterizes the Walras correspondence completely over an "acceptable" class of economies in terms of consistency, converse consistency, and weak versions of Pareto optimality and non-emptiness. Important examples of economies that are "acceptable" are given in detail.
