Binyamin Oz

Binyamin  Oz
בנימין עוז

Research Interests

My research interests are mostly in operations research and include stochastic modeling, queueing theory, decision making, and strategic behavior in queues.

Courses Taught

  • Decision Making in Service Systems
  • Stochastic Models
  • Non-Linear Optimization
  • Quantitative Models

Prizes and Awards

  • The Takács Award for outstanding PhD thesis on “Queueing Theory and its Applications”

  • The Abraham Mehrez Prize for Excellent Work of a Graduate Student in Operations Research


  • Israel Science Foundation Grant no. 19/1828 for research on “Strategic behavior in queues as games with renewing set of players”

Published in

  • Management Science

  • European Journal of Operational Research

  • Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications

  • Naval Research Logistics

  • Operations Research Letters