Netta Barak-Corren

Netta Barak-Corren
נטע ברק-קורן

Research Interests

Constitutional Law, Law and Religion, Law and Social Norms, Empirical Legal Studies, Behavioral Economics, Moral Psychology, Conflict Resolution.

Courses Taught

  • Constitutional Law
  • Law, Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
  • Law and Religion
  • Law and Society


  • Gorni Prize for an Outstanding Junior Scholar in Public Law
  • Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum
  • Birk Prize for Excellence in Legal Research
  • Lord Wolf Award for Leadership and Social Contribution
  • Albert Einstein Award
  • Heshin Award for Academic Excellence in Law by a Young Scholar


  • Israeli Science Foundation Research Grant

  • Cornell University Center for Social Sciences Grant Competition Award

  • Next Generation Grant, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School

Published in

  • Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
  • Journal of Legal Studies
  • Management Science
  • Regulation & Governance
  • The Atlantic
  • Harvard Business Review

See also