"In Conversation" Series | Eran Halperin | When Your Country Changes Face: Disidentification Amidst National Ideological Shifts and Political Polarization Sun, 10/11/202414:00
EconCS Seminar | Shahar Dobzinski | Revenue Maximization with Minimal Information Sun, 03/11/202410:30
"In Conversation" Panel | Miri Adler, Mor Nitzan, & Yuval Hart | Pareto Optimality and Computational Trade-offs in Living Systems Sun, 05/01/202514:00
"In Conversation" Series | Yisrael Aumann | Who are the players – the collectives or the individuals? Sun, 17/11/202414:00
"In Conversation" Series | Liad Mudrik | Who and what is conscious? Exploring the possibility of tests for consciousness Sun, 03/11/202414:00
"In Conversation" Series | Prof. Cass Sunstein | Spirals of Silence Sun, 06/10/202414:00Location: Zoom
EconCS Seminar | Yotam Gafni | Some Positive Results for False-Name Resistance in Combinatorial Auctions & Voting Games Sun, 14/07/202410:30
EconCS Seminar | Assaf Romm | The Large Core of College Admission Markets: Theory and Evidence Sun, 30/06/202410:30
EconCS Seminar | Moshe Babaioff | Share-Based Fairness for Arbitrary Entitlements Sun, 16/06/202410:30