EconCS Seminar | Jeffrey Mensch | Revealed Preference Tests for Bayesian Persuasion Sun, 26/01/202510:30
EconCS Seminar | Reshef Meir | A Market-Inspired Bidding Scheme for Peer Review Paper Assignment Sun, 19/01/202510:30
"In Conversation" Panel | Miri Adler, Mor Nitzan, & Yuval Hart | Pareto Optimality and Computational Trade-offs in Living Systems Sun, 05/01/202514:00
EconCS Seminar | Zohar Barak | MAC (Mostly Approximately Correct) Advice For Facility Location Mechanism Design Sun, 05/01/202510:30
EconCS Seminar | Amir Ban | Unending Sequential Auctions, with Applications to Bitcoin Sun, 22/12/202410:30